We started from Consulting and built MATTEROOM for Professional Services industry.

One Platform but multiple applications concept defines why MATTEROOM was born to eliminate silos, so the system aggregates data altogether. So business insights can easily be visualized or knowledge shared across teams and users. The goal is to eliminate every tedious operation step so increasing user adoptions can guarantee good data preservation which powers our Analytics with better results.
It has never been easy, Attittu Lab was founded in 2020 to become an independent software firm so we can better focus on software development and SaaS offering. We launched our corp edition recently and expect more innovation from us.

Our Founder decided to build a practice management software to help professional firms to manage their day to day operation, it helps users visualize their sales processes and get more done. Due to his Big Data background in Information Governance domain, he targeted the Legal industry as the first sector which has the most difficult customers. MATTEROOM was incubated within his consulting firm for couple years, the core value of the software is about "saving time" around actionable intelligence. All operational data are preserved with convenient creation, approving and reminding via mobile, Office applications even chat groups.

Contact Details
+886 2 8178 6383
+1 808 808 5255
8F., No. 15, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd. Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114737, Taiwan
1050 Queen St. Suite #100
Honolulu, HI 96814